recent | 2024-12-01
Ovid Among the Scythians | ensemble 96 1/2 x 24 [ inches ] | vide Delacroix
Ovid Among the Scythians | ensemble 64 1/2 x 21 [ inches ] | vide Delacroix
Ten Signs of Inner Radiance | each 32 x 16 [ inches ]
TEN SIGNS OF INNER RADIANCE 'od-gsal rtags bcu
These are enumerated in Longcenpa, Dispelling Darkness in the Ten Directions, as smoke (du-ba), mirage (smig-rgyu), clouds (sprin), fire-flies (me-khyer), sunlight (nyi-ma), moonlight (zla-ba), the blazing of gemstones (rin-po-che 'bar-ba), eclipse (sgra-gcan), starlight (skar-ma) and rays of light (od-zer).
I am a sculptor [ BFA NSCAD | MFA Yale ] and a student of HH Penor Rinpoche and now HH Karma Kuchen Rinpoche.
The emptiness of different objects is without individual distinctions, similar to pure space. The nature of emptiness transcends the notions of being different and being the same. The essence of apparent objects naturally abides empty of true existence. | Longchenpa ( 116 ) [ 14th century ]
The seven necessities of life : rice, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, oil, tea and wood. | 開門七件事:柴米油鹽醬醋茶 | [ Sung Dynasty ]
There is still a difference between something and nothing, but it is purely geometrical and there is nothing behind the geometry. | Martin Gardner [ 20th century ]
Le principal, dans un tableau, est de trouver la juste distance. La couleur a à exprimer toutes les ruptures dans la profondeur. C'est la qu'on reconnaȋt le talent d'un peintre. | Cézanne [ 19th century ]
I like to understand simple things very I think about them for a very, very long time. | Michel Talagrand [ 21st century ] [ Abel prize 2024 ]
There are no methods that please the buddhas
Apart from those that bring delight to sentient beings.
🇺🇦 🇺🇦 перемоги / victory 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
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